Like Alcoholics Anonymous, Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous is not a religious program – but it does encourage spirituality. We also know that many people come to the program with deep hurts and wounds and spiritual abuse inflicted by their parents, traditional religions and institutions.
Here you will find some of the prayers that SLAA uses in its program or that members have found helpful. Prayers are addressed to your own Higher Power – however you understand that God or Spirit or Power to be.
Celtic Morning Prayer
This morning, as I kindle the fire upon my hearth, I pray that the flame…
GO PLACIDLY amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be…
Sanskrit Proverb
Look to this day, For it is life, The very life of life. In its…
Prayer during Turmoil
Dear Higher Power, During times when my world becomes unhinged And the foundations of what…
Surround Me with Your Love, God
Surround me with Your love and guidance, O God;I am not safe without You. I…
Daily Surrender—No Regrets
This I pray, Higher Power: I will surrender to Your will today, which brings me…
Search for Serenity
The search is yours and mine. Each finds his way with help, but yet alone….
Burden no longer
Lord, take away this ache in my heart. I know I have asked this of…
Night Prayer of St Augustine
The prayer surrounds your loved ones with heavenly protection. There exist many night prayers in…
Prayer for Trusted Servants
Higher Power: We ask for your guidance in carrying out this work in service to…
The Peace Prayer of St Francis
This prayer is known as the Eleventh Step Prayer in 12-step traditions Lord, make me…
Seventh Step Prayer
My Creator, I am now willing that you should have all of me, good and…
Third Step Prayer
To the GOD of my understanding: God, I offer myself to you,to build with meand…
Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change; courage to change…
Prayers for each step
Step 1 prayer Dear Higher Power,I admit that I am powerless over my addiction.I admit…
The Prayers of SLAA
Like Alcoholics Anonymous, Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous is not a religious program – but…
Unity Prayer
I put my hand in yours,and together we can do what we could never do…
23rd Psalm – 12 Steps reflection
12 Step 23rd Psalm The Lord is my Shepherd, In my addiction and in my…
My Bill of Rights
I have the right to be treated with respect. I have the right to say…
12 Step Spirituality (part 2)
Continued from Part 1 – by Richard Rohr ofm Divine Therapy Step Six: Were entirely…
12 Step Spirituality (part 1)
A Universal Addiction by Richard Rohr ofm The addiction and overdose crisis… does not so…
23rd Psalm – 12 Steps reflection
12 Step 23rd Psalm The Lord is my Shepherd, In my addiction and in my…
12 Step Beatitudes
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Reaching rockbottom…
7 SLAA Blessings
As we use the Twelve Steps of SLAA in our recovery, many of us experience…
What does God mean to me?
12 step spirituality through SLAA has wonderfully enriched my concept of and trust in a…
Fast Facts about Porn
Over 100 quick stats and findings from an ever-growing body of research. Fight the New…
RAIN: A Practice of Radical Compassion
About twelve years ago, a number of Buddhist teachers began to share a new mindfulness…
Real Men of Sexual Integrity
A series of 13 videos presenting insights into recovery from sexual addiction from an Australian…
Fundamental Feelings
One of the common realities of men in recovery is the discovery of an emotional…
Am I a Stinking Thinking Addict?
20 Questions To Ask Yourself Many people wonder whether they are an addict. This list…
When a person is addicted to drugs or alcohol, they will often experience physical and…
Personal Craziness Index (PCI)
The Personal Craziness Index (PCI) is a tool created by Dr Patrick Carnes to help…
10 Relapse Prevention Skills
Why Are Relapse Prevention Skills Important? Relapse prevention skills are essential to learning to live…
Sex and Love Addiction in the Digital Age
Staying Sober and Safe Online The digital age has transformed modern life, providing tools to…
Five Fears that hinder recovery
Rewritten by Claude Haiku – Based on an article by Carl Thomas Recovery can indeed…
Overcoming Pornography Addiction
ContentsThe page has three main elements. A Blink AI summary of the key points,link to…