When we began to work the 12 steps in SLAA it was difficult to find appropriate resources. Those that were available were often blurry scans of poorly prepared photocopies. Since so many people come into the program weighed down by shame, we began to compile and reformat the resources that were available and seek out resources that were used by other fellowships and programs. Some of the material that is listed here is SLAA approved. Some are draft versions of documents. Some are adapted from other programs.
The essence of 12-step recovery programs, is that individuals admit they have a problem with addiction and take responsibility for their actions. They also come to believe that a higher power can help them overcome their addiction, and make amends to those they have harmed. The 12 steps also involve learning to live a new way of life free from addiction, and helping others who are struggling with addiction. It’s a process that promotes personal growth and spiritual development.
Prayers for each step
Step 1 prayer Dear Higher Power,I admit that I am powerless over my addiction.I admit…
Recommended books
Other recovery writing The following books are often used by participants within 12-step programs and…
Program Books
Recommended Program Reading The Basic text for SLAA by The Augustine Fellowship (also available for sale…
Sexual Anorexia
What is anorexia? We offer this definition: “As an eating disorder, anorexia is defined as…
Recovery Playbook
PlaybookPlaybook provides similar content to the Google Drive, but in a more visually appealing way….
SLAA Meetings
Click here for a listing of meetings (physical and online, or as we say, room…
The Cycle of Sex Addiction
by Robert Weiss MSW It’s no secret that addictions of all types are cyclical in…
Guidelines for a Group Conscience Meeting
12 Step groups hold meetings to determine how to best run the meetings, spend funds,…
Personal Craziness Index (PCI)
The Personal Craziness Index (PCI) is a tool created by Dr Patrick Carnes to help…
Meeting essentials
Meeting Pack – download here: Meeting pack Order literature for your meeting from the Australian SLAA…
A List of 40 Recovery Tools
Abstinence (partial or total): We get support and growth by abstaining from people, places or things…
Recovery Chat
Chat with Recovery Assistant Use the Recovery chat bot (below and on the bottom right…
HOW Concept and Tools
HOW in Australia Most SLAA meetings – both in person and online – within Australia…
Meeting Safety Statement
The Australian Intergroup has adopted the following statement in October 2023. It is adapted from…
Sex and Love Addiction in the Digital Age
Staying Sober and Safe Online The digital age has transformed modern life, providing tools to…
Five Fears that hinder recovery
Rewritten by Claude Haiku – Based on an article by Carl Thomas Recovery can indeed…
Overcoming Pornography Addiction
ContentsThe page has three main elements. A Blink AI summary of the key points,link to…
10 Relapse Prevention Skills
Why Are Relapse Prevention Skills Important? Relapse prevention skills are essential to learning to live…
Anonymity, the Law, and SLAA
During the years of The Augustine Fellowship, SLAA, Fellowship-Wide Services, Inc.’s existence, several inquiries have…