SLAA Meetings
Click here for a listing of meetings (physical and online, or as we say, room and zoom) in Australia, UK, USA …
Click here for a listing of meetings (physical and online, or as we say, room and zoom) in Australia, UK, USA …
20 Questions To Ask Yourself Many people wonder whether they are an addict. This list is adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous, and changes the word “drinking” to “thinking”. The old adage applies: “It was not the drinking that got us stinking, but the stinking thinking that got us drinking.” All addicts have to admit that negative
Am I a Stinking Thinking Addict? Read More »
Abstinence. A change in our behaviour that involves stopping the addictive pattern — one day, sometimes one minute, at a time. Abstinence is a beginning point in sobriety. Acting Out. To engage in addictive behaviour. Engaging in a behaviour which is on one’s bottom line is often referred to as having a slip (more minor)
Learning the Lingo Read More »
Why they are important and suggestions for making and receiving them Outreach calls are a crucial part of the SLAA recovery program, working hand-in-hand with meetings, sponsorship, connection to a Higher Power, and service work. Making regular outreach calls (often called OR) to fellow members helps us break out of isolation, overcome feelings of loneliness,
Roles and Responsibilities Service is an essential part of recovery in SLAA. Most of us would never have found recovery if not for the work of members who came before us. Now free from active addiction, we too can serve the fellowship. SLAA service begins in the groups, which carry the message directly to still-suffering
Meeting Service Roles Read More »
by Robert Weiss MSW It’s no secret that addictions of all types are cyclical in nature, with one stage leading to the next, and then the next, leaving the addict mired in a seemingly endless downwardly spiraling loop. With sex addiction, various versions of the addictive cycle have been proposed. The first of these appeared
The Cycle of Sex Addiction Read More »
Each boundary is a statement of the behaviour I no longer want to act out, followed by an affirming statement of the behaviour I want to replace the old behaviour with. THE JOURNAL. Jan/Feb 1992 This is not an official document, but suggestions by one member. ‘him/her/he/she’ language changed to ‘them/their’
Boundaries for Healthy Sober Dating Read More »
The concept of Step Minus One comes directly from Alcoholics Anonymous and Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA) literature and early AA history. This is about the need for recovery to include the physical or medical as well as the emotional and spiritual. This meeting is for those dealing with physical or medical issues that affect their recovery and
Step Minus One – Health & Disability in Recovery Read More »
When a person is addicted to drugs or alcohol, they will often experience physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms. The reality of physical and emotional withdrawal symptoms from love and sex addiction are no less real. Symptoms can include insomnia and sleeplessness, flu-like symptoms, vomiting and other stomach ailments, as well as deep depression and grief
I put my hand in yours,and together we can do what we could never do alone. No longer is there a sense of hopelessness,no longer must we each depend uponour own unsteady willpower. We are all together now,reaching out our handsfor power and strengthgreater than ours,and as we join hands,we find love and understandingbeyond our