Meeting Safety Statement

Last Updated on 1 November 2023

The Australian Intergroup has adopted the following statement in October 2023.
It is adapted from the AA Safety Card, and provides general guidance on the issue of safety within Intergroup.

As each group is autonomous, the statement is offered to groups to adopt, adapt or ignore, according their Group Conscience.

Tradition Five states:
Each group has but one primary purpose —
to carry its message to the Sex and Love Addict who still suffers. 

Any person seeking help with a sex and love  addiction  is welcome at this group. No SLAA  entity determines an individual’s membership in Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous. It is this group’s conscience that if any person endangers another individual or disrupts the group’s efforts to carry SLAA’s message, the group may ask that person to leave the meeting. 

This group strives to safeguard the anonymity of SLAA members and attendees; however, keep in mind that anonymity in SLAA  is not a cloak for unsafe or illegal behaviour. Addressing such behaviour and/or contacting the proper authorities when appropriate, does not go against any SLAA Tradition and is meant to ensure the safety of all in attendance. 

The short form of Tradition One states: “Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends upon SLAA unity.” Recognizing the importance of group unity, our group strives to create a safe meeting environment in which addicts can focus on achieving sobriety and recovery.

  • Safety is a topic within SLAA that groups and members can address. Developing workable solutions to help keep meetings safe can be based on the principles of SLAA. 
  • In discussions about safety, keep the focus on our primary purpose, our common welfare, and placing principles before personalities. 
  • Predatory behaviours and unwanted sexual or emotional advances are in conflict with carrying the SLAA message of recovery and with SLAA  principles. 
  • The only requirement for SLAA  membership is a desire to stop living out a pattern of sex and love addiction. Groups and members strive to create a safe environment for the addict who still suffers.

Download the Safety card here to use in meetings:
2 page A5 document.
1 page A4 (printed to be folded in half)

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