Am I a Stinking Thinking Addict?

Last Updated on 5 January 2024

20 Questions To Ask Yourself

Many people wonder whether they are an addict. This list is adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous, and changes the word “drinking” to “thinking”. The old adage applies: “It was not the drinking that got us stinking, but the stinking thinking that got us drinking.” All addicts have to admit that negative (stinking) thinking is a major problem for us.

Answering these 20 questions can help to give some guidance and direction on this issue:

  1. Am I experiencing cravings for negative thinking?
  2. Is negative thinking at the forefront of my mind a lot of the time?
  3. Have I ever felt like I should cut back on my negative thinking?
  4. Am I hiding how much I am thinking from anyone close to me?
  5. Do I feel shame and guilt around my thinking patterns?
  6. Am I thinking alone regularly?
  7. Is thinking in any way controlling my life or schedule?
  8. Do I experience blackouts when I think?
  9. Do I think more heavily based on my emotions or stress levels?
  10. Have friends or family expressed concern toward my thinking habits?
  11. Have I tried to switch the types of alcohol or brands I consume in an effort to control my thinking?
  12. Has there ever been a time that I tried to quit thinking or promised myself that I would stop, but could not manage to do so for more than a couple of days?
  13. Does negative thinking affect my personal life in any way, such as missing work or having arguments with people?
  14. Do I ever wonder what my life would look like if I did not think?
  15. Have I been in trouble with the law while under the influence of negative thinking?
  16. Do I become a different person when I think, such as a daredevil, angry, violent or more extroverted?
  17. Do I binge think or think heavily on a regular basis?
  18. Am I able to have a couple of thoughts at happy hour and call it a night easily, or do I tend to gravitate toward keeping the partying going once negative thinking is in my system?
  19. Do I compromise on my morals or values while negative thinking?
  20. Do I experience any type of thinking withdrawal symptoms, such as shaking, anxiety, depression or vomiting in the morning when I don’t think for a couple of days?

Answering “yes” to several of these questions suggests the possibility that a thinking problem could be present. A good rule of thumb is that if someone is questioning whether they have a negative thinking problem, it likely means they do. Many people face this question, and learning the answer can be the first step toward seeking help and finding treatment.

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